Through a united effort, the Offices of the Guidance Counselor, Gender and Development, Student Government Unit, and Health Services Unit launched an awareness campaign on illegal drugs and sexual harassment on April 25, 2024, at the QSU-Diffun Amphitheater.
The campaign aimed to educate students on the legal consequences of illegal drug use and to help them develop critical thinking and decision-making skills. Atty. Reymus Mabudyang, the guest speaker, provided comprehensive information on various illegal drugs and addictive substances. He discussed the factors that can lead teenagers to drug use, but warned that selling and using illegal drugs are criminal offenses with severe penalties. He concluded by reiterating that while drug abuse is preventable and addiction is treatable, it is a dangerous path to avoid.
On the other hand, Atty. Barawid made an informative presentation on the different nature of sexual harassment that were described under the Gender Based Sexual Harassment (GBSH) including Gender Online-based harassment like cyber stalking, and the Safe Space Act. Her presentation was an eye opener to the students that sexual harassment happens anywhere subtly or conspicuously and that there are agencies they can run to for help. In addition, students were made aware of their legal rights against uninvited sexual act.
Dr. Jenalyn M. Sarmiento, Director of Student Affairs and Services (QSU-OSAS), in her message said, “QSU community is more active in the implementation of its policy direction, development strategies and interventions in creating more relevant and responsive drug education and prevention and undertaking continuing awareness campaign programs.”
With the closing remarks of Dr. Rosalyn L. Delizo, University Director for Instruction, the event concluded with a question-and-answer session where second-year students across all programs of the Diffun campus actively engaged with the speakers. | QIO with President Hermenegildo F. Samoy, Jr., PhD