QSU Research and Development Team Benchmarks at Philippine Root Crop Research and Training Center (PRCRTC) at Visayas State University (VSU)

Through the futures thinking and creation of sustainable and mutually beneficial collaborations with academic institutions and partner agencies that share similar goals and interests, Quirino State University R&D Team visits Visayas State University (VSU) to benchmark its best practices and innovative strategies in root crop research, production, and processing.

The activity is an overture endeavor of the planned establishment of the Quirino State University Root Crops Research and Development Center.

Indeed, part of the team’s itinerary was a courtesy call to the VSU Officials, a tour around the University and key offices, and a rapid benchmark to the Philippine Root Crops Research and Training Center where they were given knowledge about the available technologies of the Center on sweet potato, cassava, ube and taro, its operations, processes, and products. As such, Dr. Edgardo E. Tulin, VSU President and the concurrent Director of PhilRootcrops, encouraged the team to come up with a comprehensive plan for possible partnership and collaboration in the future. On the other hand, Prof. Marlon M. Tambis, Assistant Director and Division Head of Agricultural Economics Development of PhilRootcrops, discussed the programs and activities of the center. He reiterated passion, linkages, and collaborations to make a successful center like the PhilRootcrops. Moreover, Mr. Ricardo A. Maranguit, Science Research Aide (Plant Protection), shared his experiences and best practices in planting sweet potatoes and purple yams. He fondly discussed farming diversity specifically traditional to modern planting. He also reiterated that scientific investigation significantly matters in farming. On the other hand, Ms. Marife C. Suaybaguio, Science Research Assistant (Agricultural Extension) toured the team to different project sites and laboratories of the center.

Thus, the visit was definitely a success as the team was able to bring home the learnings from the shared best practices, and a freebie of different varieties of sweet potatoes from the PhilRootCrops Center.

The QSU Team was composed of the following; Dr. Lauro S. Aspiras, Dr. Eduard Alip, Dr. Dyanika P. Nolasco, Prof. Carmela Blando, Dr. Jonathan N. Tariga, Ms. Danisse Mae P. Hernandez, Mr. Dennie T. Ruma, and Mr. Joshua B. Español.

Hence, the benchmarking activity achieved its goal which aims to establish linkage, share its best practices and new development in research, allow a mindset and culture of continuous institutional growth and development between the two universities, and plan collaborative activities for the future.

Article Writer: GDP, Editor: LSA